Walzer lesson with ESN

Hello and welcome to Vienna, the city of Waltz!

The ball season has already passed but this is no reason to stop dancing :)

In Vienna, during the Faschingszeit (carnival time) between the 11th of November and Ash Wednesday, there are held more than 450 balls. The peak of the ball season is in January and February when one can attend famous balls like the Opernball (Opera Ball), Zuckerbäckerball (confectioners ball) or the Philharmonikerball (philharmonics ball) for example.

The ""Walzer"" as we call it in German (probably deriving from a word which means turning), can be traced back to the 18th century. First, it was danced in the countryside only but over time also the people of the cities have started to enjoy it. At least since after the Wiener Kongress 1814/15, where people forgot about all the political difficulties when they danced the Walzer during the nights, the Walzer has become a popular ballroom dance in various countries. Many famous composers like Strauß or Lanner have created Walzer tunes.

Curious? If you would like to learn the basic steps of the Walzer and dive right into Viennas culture and traditions then join us for a Walzer lesson!

If you would like to learn more about Viennas balls, you can watch this video of Viennas Tourist Info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es1nJfRF6Wc

See you there, when it says: Alles Walzer!

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Tanzschule Rueff
Friedrich Schmidtplatz 4
1080 Wien

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